

Australian Post

Clemenger BBDO, Melbourne


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I had a child 3 months premature. So he had to stay in hospital. It was
bloody hard. While he was there I was hit by a truck in Wagga. Was in
intensive care in the local hospital for 2 years. They probably thought I
was never going to get better. So then my son Luke was put up for adoption.
I was moved to a Melbourne hospital for 6 months, and then spent 7 years in
and out of a psych unit. Rehalbilitation and stuff. When I finally got out I didn`t
know who I was. Things are a bit better now. I¦ve been working for the
Big Issue. You never know what to expect. I get hassled a bit. People asking
for a cigi and stuff but it¦s been good for me. Who knows. Could eventually
lead to a regular job with regualr pay. Just try to live a normal life. Leonie.

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I had a child 3 months premature. So he had to stay in hospital. It was bloody hard. While he was there I was hit by a truck in Wagga. Was in intensive care in the local hospital for 2 years. They probably thought I was never going to get better. So then my son Luke was put up for adoption. I was moved to a Melbourne hospital for 6 months, and then spent 7 years in and out of a psych unit. Rehalbilitation and stuff. When I finally got out I didn`t know who I was. Things are a bit better now. I¦ve been working for the Big Issue. You never know what to expect. I get hassled a bit. People asking for a cigi and stuff but it¦s been good for me. Who knows. Could eventually lead to a regular job with regualr pay. Just try to live a normal life. Leonie.

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