


Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH), London


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Levi´s Sta-Prest Jeans “Dancing” [00:30], “ID” [01:00] +”Fly” [00:30]#
Central to these commercials for the new Levi’s “Sta-Prest” collection are a well dressed young man and his yellow, fuzzy, Muppet-like companion, who are seen driving through a suburban American neighbourhood. A police patrol stops them in one commercial but when the officer – whose own shirt isn’t half as neat as the young guy’s – finds nothing but neatly folded and pressed clothes in the trunk, he lets them drive on. The third spot shows how the permanent crease in Levi’s “Sta-Prest” pants serves well as a scaffold for an errant fly.

More: Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH) London

More: Levi’s

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Levi´s Sta-Prest Jeans "Dancing" [00:30], "ID" [01:00] +"Fly" [00:30]# Central to these commercials for the new Levi's "Sta-Prest" collection are a well dressed young man and his yellow, fuzzy, Muppet-like companion, who are seen driving through a suburban American neighbourhood. A police patrol stops them in one commercial but when the officer - whose own shirt isn't half as neat as the young guy's - finds nothing but neatly folded and pressed clothes in the trunk, he lets them drive on. The third spot shows how the permanent crease in Levi's "Sta-Prest" pants serves well as a scaffold for an errant fly.

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