


KesselsKramer, Amsterdam


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Ben “Orbal,” “Washing Machine,” “Wheel Chair,” “Pram” + “Supermarket” [00:20], “Tug ´o´ War” [00:25] + “Garbage” [00:30]#
A small selection of commercials from the summer campaign of some 25 spots produced for Dutch mobile phone company Ben. They present sometimes impressionistic, sometimes funny or surreal sequences attesting to the central role mobile phones play in our lives today. At the end of each spot, we see the name of the protagonist plus the mobile phone company´s name, e.g. “John & Ben,” which makes it sound like a good friend.

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Ben "Orbal," "Washing Machine," "Wheel Chair," "Pram" + "Supermarket" [00:20], "Tug ´o´ War" [00:25] + "Garbage" [00:30]# A small selection of commercials from the summer campaign of some 25 spots produced for Dutch mobile phone company Ben. They present sometimes impressionistic, sometimes funny or surreal sequences attesting to the central role mobile phones play in our lives today. At the end of each spot, we see the name of the protagonist plus the mobile phone company´s name, e.g. "John & Ben," which makes it sound like a good friend.

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