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Teardrop “Pulling the Pin,” “Spy” [01:30], “Search” [00:15]#
Three spots for the Teardrop Golf Company shot in black-and-white and with some stylistic elements right out of David Lynch. Viewed back-to-back they make up a little spy-type of story: The first spot shows a man obtaining a casket with a Teardrop golfclub during a mysterious meeting with a stranger on a public bench. In the next spot, we see him preparing a golfball, inserting a microfilm. Teaming up with an attractive woman and a child, and with the help of his fabulous golfclub, he outwits the security guards of what looks like a military restricted area.
In the final spot the military guards break into his apartment, apparently searching for something. What they find is the golfclub container with the Teardrop logo.
Pay-off: “Control the Roll.”

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Teardrop "Pulling the Pin," "Spy" [01:30], "Search" [00:15]# Three spots for the Teardrop Golf Company shot in black-and-white and with some stylistic elements right out of David Lynch. Viewed back-to-back they make up a little spy-type of story: The first spot shows a man obtaining a casket with a Teardrop golfclub during a mysterious meeting with a stranger on a public bench. In the next spot, we see him preparing a golfball, inserting a microfilm. Teaming up with an attractive woman and a child, and with the help of his fabulous golfclub, he outwits the security guards of what looks like a military restricted area. In the final spot the military guards break into his apartment, apparently searching for something. What they find is the golfclub container with the Teardrop logo. Pay-off: "Control the Roll."

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