


HCM, New York


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Dannon “Reflecting David” [00:30]#
A fat woman in a silk dress poses in front of the mirror. In it we see a zeppelin slowly turning. Another full-figured gal in a green dress is reflected as a giant pear. A chubby man looks in the mirror and sees a hippopotamus staring back at him. VO: “For all of us who may be a bit hard on the way we see ourselves there’s Dannon Light.” Having eaten this light yogurt, the man now looks back in the mirror, and a muscular Adonis smiles back at him. VO: “Dannon Light. It just may change the way we see ourselves.”

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Dannon "Reflecting David" [00:30]# A fat woman in a silk dress poses in front of the mirror. In it we see a zeppelin slowly turning. Another full-figured gal in a green dress is reflected as a giant pear. A chubby man looks in the mirror and sees a hippopotamus staring back at him. VO: "For all of us who may be a bit hard on the way we see ourselves there's Dannon Light." Having eaten this light yogurt, the man now looks back in the mirror, and a muscular Adonis smiles back at him. VO: "Dannon Light. It just may change the way we see ourselves."

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