Peace Corps
Grey, New York
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Peace Corps “Retirees” [01:00]# The spot opens in a one-room school in the Third World setting. The teacher is an American lady in her sixties. Her voice over sys that many of her fire and have already retired. Cutaways to oldies in Florida playing cards, sitting on beaches and generally doing nothing as cha-cha-cha music plays As we see the woman teaching, joking and playing with the little kids, she says she decided to join the Peace Corps as a teacher. And here she is in Belize, Central America. “The way I figure it, I’ll have the rest of my life to play cards.”
- Client Peace Corps
- Ad Agency Grey, New York
- Art Director Doreen Fox
- Copywriter Stevie Pierson
- Production Company Lovenger, Cohen & Associates, New York
- Director Gil Cope