HHCL / Red Cell, London
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Guinness “Dance” + “Rain” [01:00]
These two efforts directed by Ringan Ledwidge do not come across as regular beer commercials. In both spots, we see couples dancing with each other. The circumstances are very different: a stylish, passionate and very artistic dance in the darkness featuring lots of fire (literally!!), and on the other hand a very rainy night at a bus stop where both partners get soaking wet and enjoy every minute of it in a rather funny and rumbustious way. Both spots also have a strong sexual undercurrent, encour-aging one to go out and “Live Life.”
- Client Guinness
- Ad Agency HHCL / Red Cell, London
- Art Director HHCL + Partners, London
- Copywriter HHCL + Partners, London
- Production Company Harry Nash, United Kingdom
- Director Ringan Ledwidge
More: HHCL / Red Cell London
More: Guinness
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