Wilbroe, Duckert & Partner, Copenhagen
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Tuborg Squash “English Lesson” [00:30]# A man wearing headphones on which he is listening to an English lesson repeats the sentence, “Good morning. I would like a squash, ” over and over again. Trouble is, he is inside a shop and the sales assistant soon has dozens of bottles of Tuborg Squash lined up on the counter. Exasperated, he asks the diligent English student, “Are you finished?” Upon which the latter replies, “No, I’m Danish.”
- Client Tuborg
- Ad Agency Wilbroe, Duckert & Partner, Copenhagen
- Copywriter Jakob Ludvigsen
- Production Company Wilbroe, Duckert & Partner, Copenhagen
- Director Kristian Levring
More: Wilbroe Duckert & Partner Copenhagen
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