DLKW Lowe, London
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Peperami “Shopping” + “Video” [00:20]# For the Peperami sausage campaign the product has been personified by a refreshingly nasty little sausage-character that “wont’ share a shopping bag with anyone else” – he throws out all the other products – and who “loves a good horror film.” By which he means the scenes on sausages being cut sliced and pricked with price tags he keeps watching on TV. Despite the fact that vegetarians might agree with it all too readily, the pay-off – “Peperami. It’s a bit of an animal” – sums up the little character perfectly.
- Client Peperami
- Ad Agency DLKW Lowe, London
- Art Director Stephen Mckenzie
- Copywriter Jason Gormley
- Production Company Bareboards, London
- Director Ken Lidster
More: DLKW Lowe London
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