


Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH), London


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Polaroid “Police” [00:40]# With this commercial Polaroid launches its first pan-European promotion, a photo competition. Entrants are invited to send Polaroid their “craziest instant photo” – a seven-day tour of a choice of American cities is the first prize. In the spot we see a group of students driving into a large town square in the middle of the night. In front of the central fountain they start fitting a girl with a giant pair of gold wings. Just as the students are hoisting the “angel” up to the top of the fountain a policeman arrives on the scene and demands to know what’s going on. “Trying to get to America,” the winged student replies dreamily.

More: Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH) London

More: Polaroid

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Polaroid "Police" [00:40]# With this commercial Polaroid launches its first pan-European promotion, a photo competition. Entrants are invited to send Polaroid their "craziest instant photo" - a seven-day tour of a choice of American cities is the first prize. In the spot we see a group of students driving into a large town square in the middle of the night. In front of the central fountain they start fitting a girl with a giant pair of gold wings. Just as the students are hoisting the "angel" up to the top of the fountain a policeman arrives on the scene and demands to know what's going on. "Trying to get to America," the winged student replies dreamily.

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