

Jean-Paul Gaultier

Jean - Paul Gaultier / In-House, Paris


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Jean-Paul Gaultier Perfume [00:43]# This commercial for Jean-Paul Gaultier’s first foray into the perfume market features a futuristic dinner party that consists of women only. The whole affair is as mondaine as can be, with the conversation in English and French. A bunch of special effects are also thrown in – a fork contorting, a grey-haired woman morphing into Gaultier himself, etc. Finally, a tin can on the table morphs into the perfume bottle – in the shape of a female torso in a suspender belt.

More: Jean – Paul Gaultier / In-House Paris

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Jean-Paul Gaultier Perfume [00:43]# This commercial for Jean-Paul Gaultier's first foray into the perfume market features a futuristic dinner party that consists of women only. The whole affair is as mondaine as can be, with the conversation in English and French. A bunch of special effects are also thrown in - a fork contorting, a grey-haired woman morphing into Gaultier himself, etc. Finally, a tin can on the table morphs into the perfume bottle - in the shape of a female torso in a suspender belt.

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