


Hunt Murray, Minneapolis


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Mystic Lake Casino “Lizard” + “Frog” [00:30]# A campaign for a casino. Something you’d be hard put to at first glance. In fact, the connection between these admittedly extraordinary images from fauna and a casino must be the most rickety construction since the Bridge of San Luis Rey. Which , it must be said, contributes greatly to the campaign’s goofy charm. It all centers on the pay-off: “You’re a lot luckier than you think.” Lucky that we weren’t born, for example an Australian frilled lizard. This embarrassing animal looks rather daunting but in fact runs screaming for its life whenever sensing the slightest threat. Or, as the second spot shows, as a Bloated Barking Frog whose only defence against aggressors is to scream at them “like a stuck pig.” So we are lucky indeed. And have good reason to think that this lucky streak will endure all the way through an evening at the Mystic Lake Casino.

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Mystic Lake Casino "Lizard" + "Frog" [00:30]# A campaign for a casino. Something you'd be hard put to at first glance. In fact, the connection between these admittedly extraordinary images from fauna and a casino must be the most rickety construction since the Bridge of San Luis Rey. Which , it must be said, contributes greatly to the campaign's goofy charm. It all centers on the pay-off: "You're a lot luckier than you think." Lucky that we weren't born, for example an Australian frilled lizard. This embarrassing animal looks rather daunting but in fact runs screaming for its life whenever sensing the slightest threat. Or, as the second spot shows, as a Bloated Barking Frog whose only defence against aggressors is to scream at them "like a stuck pig." So we are lucky indeed. And have good reason to think that this lucky streak will endure all the way through an evening at the Mystic Lake Casino.

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