Ogilvy & Mather, Frankfurt am Main
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Becel “Denken Sie nach…” [00:30]# Romantic sepia-tinted images of a family playing in a windswept meadow. Freeze-frame on three of the images and super: “Think about your health for a few minutes.” Then, “Think about your nutrition for a few minutes.” Finally, “Think about your cholesterol for a few minutes.” Cut to packshot and super: “Becel’s health program. Your health is worth it.”
- Client Becel
- Ad Agency Ogilvy & Mather, Frankfurt am Main
- Art Director Ursula Frey
- Copywriter Anja Lohmüller
- Production Company The Paul Weiland Film Company, London
- Director Maxine Tabak
More: Ogilvy & Mather Frankfurt am Main
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