

Oldesloer Rot & Grün

Jung von Matt, Hamburg


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“Stall” + “Paar” [00:15]# Short, wryly amusing sports, each consisting of a single black and white take, for Oldesloer schnapps made in Northern Germany´s agricultural region. The first shows a farmer unsuccesfully trying to push a cow into a stable (to be inseminated by the bull, one gathers). VO: “The work in Oldesloe is bitter. So is the pleasure. “Two variants of the bittertasting schapps are inserted. “Oldesloer red and green. The fruity bitter ones made from wheat.” The second spot shows a grizzled old farmer couple sitting next to each other. A tepid attempt on the part of the old man to fondle his stocky wife´s knee leads nowhere. VO:”Again, the two kinds of Oldesloer schnapps are inserted on the joyless tableaux:

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"Stall" + "Paar" [00:15]# Short, wryly amusing sports, each consisting of a single black and white take, for Oldesloer schnapps made in Northern Germany´s agricultural region. The first shows a farmer unsuccesfully trying to push a cow into a stable (to be inseminated by the bull, one gathers). VO: "The work in Oldesloe is bitter. So is the pleasure. "Two variants of the bittertasting schapps are inserted. "Oldesloer red and green. The fruity bitter ones made from wheat." The second spot shows a grizzled old farmer couple sitting next to each other. A tepid attempt on the part of the old man to fondle his stocky wife´s knee leads nowhere. VO:"Again, the two kinds of Oldesloer schnapps are inserted on the joyless tableaux:

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