


Havas, Puteaux, Paris


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Darty “Les Vieilles Dames” [01:00]# The fact that Dart offers a wide range of audio equipment is the basic idea behind this commercial. Two malicious old ladies slip an audio – cassette featuring a woman in the throes of some very passionate lovemaking into one of the many cassette players on display at Darty’s audio Most customers are mortified and the sales personnel embarks on a frantic but fruitless mission to find the stereo with the offending cassette. But, we learn, given the wide range of possibilities the chances to find it are very slight indeed.

More: Havas Puteaux Paris

More: Darty

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Darty "Les Vieilles Dames" [01:00]# The fact that Dart offers a wide range of audio equipment is the basic idea behind this commercial. Two malicious old ladies slip an audio - cassette featuring a woman in the throes of some very passionate lovemaking into one of the many cassette players on display at Darty's audio Most customers are mortified and the sales personnel embarks on a frantic but fruitless mission to find the stereo with the offending cassette. But, we learn, given the wide range of possibilities the chances to find it are very slight indeed.

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