Young & Rubicam (Y&R), Chicago
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WXTR “Lemming”, “Lizard” & “Bowling” [00:15]#
In “Lemming” the (subjective) camera is scurrying through tall grass alongside a furry creature. VO: “If your best friend jumped off a cliff, would you? Did your mother ask you this? Ask yourself this. Are you a lemming?” The edge of a cliff comes in sight. VO: “Lemmings jump off cliffs every four years. There are no five year old lemmings unless they learn to think for themselves” Camera heads back in the opposite direction. Cut to Titles: WXTR Chicago. Think for yourself.
“Lizard” features a dune lizard. VO: “The dune lizard lifts his feet so they don’t burn. This is his life. Running in place and eating insects. What’s the point? Why bother? Why not move someplace cooler?” Cut to XWTR logo. “Bowling” gives us a new perspective on this popular sport. VO: “To truly enjoy the game of bowling, you must understand the rules. 10 pins conspire to roll the ball to a participant who must catch it using only three fingers.” We see just that – then cut to titles: “If you don’t like the rules, change them” and WXTR logo.
- Client WXTR
- Ad Agency Young & Rubicam (Y&R), Chicago
- Art Director Faye Kleros
- Copywriter Scott Burns
- Production Company David Wild, Chicago