McCann Lowe, Brussels
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Opel Agila “Banana” + “Pregnant” [00:30]
Opel Agila – more than meets the eye. A man has a banana in a shopping cart when he opens the Agila hatchback. With a snide look at the camera, he pockets the banana and lifts the cart into the car. The second spot shows the Agila full of people. Four women are driving through the countryside as the voice-over claims that the Agila can hold 8 passengers. As the women exit the car, we see that all of them are pregnant.
- Client Opel Agila
- Ad Agency McCann Lowe, Brussels
- Art Director Anneke Rombaut
- Copywriter Johan De Witte
- Production Company Velocity Films, Johannesburg
- Director Lizelle Mes
More: Opel Agila
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