


BBDO, Bangkok


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Giffarine “Bread” (00:45)# It certainly was a tougher time when women still had to bake bread regularly. Even without having to do so in sight of a mean, ugly supervisor. It’s completely understandable under the circumstances that one could lose one’s concentration briefly and spill too much yeast into the dough. Which is what happens to this spot’s pretty heroine. But punishment follows swiftly! The supervisor grabs the young woman’s head and pushes her face into the yeasty dough. While all the other horrible matrons take great pleas-ure in seeing the beautiful girl tainted by dirt, just like in Cinderella. But what was the saying about the last laugh again? Yeast keeps the skin young and fresh! Which is why the heroine, unlike her fellows in adversity, still looks young and beautiful years later. Appar-ently the producers of Giffarine extracted the yeast’s rejuvenating qualities for their skin crème. Gold at the 14th Times Asia Pacific Awards.

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Giffarine "Bread" (00:45)# It certainly was a tougher time when women still had to bake bread regularly. Even without having to do so in sight of a mean, ugly supervisor. It's completely understandable under the circumstances that one could lose one's concentration briefly and spill too much yeast into the dough. Which is what happens to this spot's pretty heroine. But punishment follows swiftly! The supervisor grabs the young woman's head and pushes her face into the yeasty dough. While all the other horrible matrons take great pleas-ure in seeing the beautiful girl tainted by dirt, just like in Cinderella. But what was the saying about the last laugh again? Yeast keeps the skin young and fresh! Which is why the heroine, unlike her fellows in adversity, still looks young and beautiful years later. Appar-ently the producers of Giffarine extracted the yeast's rejuvenating qualities for their skin crème. Gold at the 14th Times Asia Pacific Awards.

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