

Mr Potato Head (Playskool)

DDB, Paris


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Mr. Potato Head “Mr. Potato Head” (00:40) #
This commercial explores the scurrilous
world of Mr. Potato Head, a doll-like figure
especially popular with children in which
the different parts of the face of a potatoshaped figure can be twisted and shaped
at will, creating surrealistic effects in the
process. And this proves, in fact, to be
just right for the people working at this
weird company, in which top and bottom,
left and right have been reversed. When
two of them call over a co-worker – who
flies into the room from the door on top
of the wall – to show him the latest Mr.
Potato Head “creation,” one in which eyes,
nose and ears all actually happen to be in
the “right” place, the three almost split
their sides laughing.

More: DDB Paris

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Mr Potato Head (Playskool)

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Mr. Potato Head “Mr. Potato Head” (00:40) # This commercial explores the scurrilous world of Mr. Potato Head, a doll-like figure especially popular with children in which the different parts of the face of a potatoshaped figure can be twisted and shaped at will, creating surrealistic effects in the process. And this proves, in fact, to be just right for the people working at this weird company, in which top and bottom, left and right have been reversed. When two of them call over a co-worker – who flies into the room from the door on top of the wall – to show him the latest Mr. Potato Head “creation,” one in which eyes, nose and ears all actually happen to be in the “right” place, the three almost split their sides laughing.

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