


Leo Burnett, Madrid


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The goat is Dorada beer’s trademark, and in this campaign which milks humor from the idea of presenting the goat as a kind of superhero, various beer-drinking misfits are identified and persecuted by that goat. In this spot, it’s the beer drinker who never pays for his drinks. He is seen escaping through a window of a pub toilet to avoid paying the tab. As he stumbles along the dark street, we can see what at first looks like an equine shadow following him. The next shot, however, reveals the identity of the creature hot on his heels. It’s the goat which, in the last shot, is seen high atop a build-ing surveying the nocturnal city.

More: Leo Burnett Madrid

More: Dorada

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The goat is Dorada beer’s trademark, and in this campaign which milks humor from the idea of presenting the goat as a kind of superhero, various beer-drinking misfits are identified and persecuted by that goat. In this spot, it’s the beer drinker who never pays for his drinks. He is seen escaping through a window of a pub toilet to avoid paying the tab. As he stumbles along the dark street, we can see what at first looks like an equine shadow following him. The next shot, however, reveals the identity of the creature hot on his heels. It’s the goat which, in the last shot, is seen high atop a build-ing surveying the nocturnal city.

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