



85 mins, limited release


23rd August 2024


Generative documentary film directed by Gary Hustwit on pioneering electronic musician Brian Eno.

85 mins, limited release

Brian Eno has had a long fascination with generative processes in art. He’s a pioneer of working with creative technology and methodology since he left art school to be the keyboard guy in Roxy Music, twiddling many knobs and sliders to produce a very distinct contribution to the band’s first two albums. As a solo artist, that difference only grew, including becoming a pioneer of ambient music (an association he hated), and a super-producer and often co-composer with the likes of David Bowie, Talking Heads, U2, Coldplay and many others. Along the way, he may have picked up his most lucrative project, on a dollar per second basis, when commissioned to create the Microsoft 95 startup sound.

And now Gary Hustwit, who made the much-lauded film Helvetica (yes, the typeface), has collaborated with Eno to produce a remarkable film that you may struggle to get to see. You’ll never be able to view the exact version your reviewer saw and we won’t see the same one next time we see it … every time, a new iteration of the composition is generated, drawing on a vast archive of content and assembling it within certain defined rules.

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Generative documentary film directed by Gary Hustwit on pioneering electronic musician Brian Eno.

85 mins, limited release

Brian Eno has had a long fascination with generative processes in art. He’s a pioneer of working with creative technology and methodology since he left art school to be the keyboard guy in Roxy Music, twiddling many knobs and sliders to produce a very distinct contribution to the band’s first two albums. As a solo artist, that difference only grew, including becoming a pioneer of ambient music (an association he hated), and a super-producer and often co-composer with the likes of David Bowie, Talking Heads, U2, Coldplay and many others. Along the way, he may have picked up his most lucrative project, on a dollar per second basis, when commissioned to create the Microsoft 95 startup sound.

And now Gary Hustwit, who made the much-lauded film Helvetica (yes, the typeface), has collaborated with Eno to produce a remarkable film that you may struggle to get to see. You’ll never be able to view the exact version your reviewer saw and we won’t see the same one next time we see it … every time, a new iteration of the composition is generated, drawing on a vast archive of content and assembling it within certain defined rules.

That sounds like a recipe for chaos but it is actually a thoroughly charming, intelligent and understated insight into what makes Eno and his ideas tick. It’s a lot of fun to watch. There are a few stylistic tricks, with obvious cut points where the mix is shuffled, but for all of this, you don’t really think of the generative and unique nature of the film while watching it. As a narrative, it is quite immersive. But it is also in some way more true-to-life, true to the material, in that it quite clearly only gives you one version of an infinite potential, and a selection of what you might see.

In a way, the generative documentary is closer to reality than the rigid edit.

The generative film overtly represents its limitations while also celebrating the infinite potential of what it is working with.

If you like and admire Eno’s output, then you should love this film. If you don’t like his work, it’s perhaps not for you but the process should still intrigue. So try it if you get a chance. (It is unlikely to be something you can get online, though, and perhaps all the better for that.)

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