JWT (J. Walter Thompson), San Juan
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A fat little boy at the dinner table. He
clearly seems to be enjoying the sauce
as it is smeared all around his mouth,
and we see him greedily licking some
remains of it off his fingers. As the camera
pulls back, however, we realise that
he is not licking his own fingers but
those of the stoic-looking little sidekick
sitting next to him. All of this is underscored
by The White Stripes’ “We’re
Going To Be Friends” – a most appropriate
soundtrack choice for this spot.
- Client Ragu
- Ad Agency JWT (J. Walter Thompson), San Juan
- Art Director Josejuan Toledo
- Copywriter Rafael Sepulveda
- Production Company Hocus Pocus, San Juan
- Director Luis Gerald
More: JWT (J. Walter Thompson) San Juan
More: Ragu
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