

Tetley’s Bitter

Saatchi & Saatchi, London


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Tetley’s Bitter “Fancy Dress” (01:10) #
Alexander the Great would go green
with envy at the sight of this army riding
through the English countryside. And a
particular object of his envy would be
their leader, resplendent in suit of armour
and a billowing red cape. A single
wave of his hand and hundreds of warriors
rein in their horses, the journey
being complete. The big “King” dismounts.
Facing him, however, is not an
opposing army of knights but a small
pub in which a fancy dress party seems
to be in progress. Yet his own garb puts
the Marilyn Monroe lookalike decidedly
in the shade. “Don’t do things by half.”
is thus the pay-off of this ad for Tetley’s
Bitter – “Smoothness and flavour.”

More: Saatchi & Saatchi London

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Tetley’s Bitter “Fancy Dress” (01:10) # Alexander the Great would go green with envy at the sight of this army riding through the English countryside. And a particular object of his envy would be their leader, resplendent in suit of armour and a billowing red cape. A single wave of his hand and hundreds of warriors rein in their horses, the journey being complete. The big “King” dismounts. Facing him, however, is not an opposing army of knights but a small pub in which a fancy dress party seems to be in progress. Yet his own garb puts the Marilyn Monroe lookalike decidedly in the shade. “Don’t do things by half.” is thus the pay-off of this ad for Tetley’s Bitter – “Smoothness and flavour.”

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