Ponce, Buenos Aires
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Rexona “Ghost Train” (01:00) #
A ghost train of a very special kind gets
the kids in this Rexona spot breaking
into a sweat. They are still in high spirits
as the train descends into the spooky
darkness below. Yet what awaits the girls
there is not anything as banal as Dracula
and cobwebs hanging down over their
faces but the worst imaginable everyday
situations. Screaming, they come to a
halt in front of the teacher who has called
them up to the front of the class, or are
pursued on a scooter by their pesky little
brother who wants to read their emails.
Yet Rexona, as the tagline tells us, knows
“what makes you sweat.”
- Client Rexona
- Ad Agency Ponce, Buenos Aires
- Art Director Ricardo Armentano
- Copywriter Analía Ríos
- Production Company Gorgeous
- Director Peter Thwaites