


Leo Burnett, Istanbul


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Polisan “Bedroom” (00:40) #
An awkward and rather scary situation: a
man wakes up in the morning and takes
a look around, realizing that he must
have drunk a lot the night before. The
very room itself seems unfamiliar, and
then there is the woman lying next to
him – naked – in the bed. Gripped by
panic, he gathers up the clothes strewn
across the room, reaches for his phone
and immediately calls his wife. Yet the
phone in the very same room begins to
ring, and the women in the bed is his
wife. Someone must have painted the
room without having given him any prior
warning! Tagline: “Polisan. Changes your
home so much, you better get used to

More: Leo Burnett Istanbul

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Polisan “Bedroom” (00:40) # An awkward and rather scary situation: a man wakes up in the morning and takes a look around, realizing that he must have drunk a lot the night before. The very room itself seems unfamiliar, and then there is the woman lying next to him – naked – in the bed. Gripped by panic, he gathers up the clothes strewn across the room, reaches for his phone and immediately calls his wife. Yet the phone in the very same room begins to ring, and the women in the bed is his wife. Someone must have painted the room without having given him any prior warning! Tagline: “Polisan. Changes your home so much, you better get used to it.”

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