


Aimaq Rapp Stolle, Berlin


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ASICS “Block Party” (00:45) #
This new spot for ASICS features a muscularly rhythmic sound mix. Proceedings get
underway with a skateboard jump, the
wheels of the board rattling across the
cobbled surface of a square in perfect sync
to the music. Gradually, other sounds are
added, such as the kick of the football, or
the patter of sneakers as they run across
asphalt. The sound of the tape gets people in the square moving, and breakdancers and hockey players are joined by skateboarders, and cyclists. Pay-off: “Sound
Mind. Sound Body,” a modern take on “anima sana in corpore sano,” a maxim whose
initials form the name of the Japanese
sporting goods and footwear brand.

More: Aimaq Rapp Stolle Berlin


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ASICS “Block Party” (00:45) # This new spot for ASICS features a muscularly rhythmic sound mix. Proceedings get underway with a skateboard jump, the wheels of the board rattling across the cobbled surface of a square in perfect sync to the music. Gradually, other sounds are added, such as the kick of the football, or the patter of sneakers as they run across asphalt. The sound of the tape gets people in the square moving, and breakdancers and hockey players are joined by skateboarders, and cyclists. Pay-off: “Sound Mind. Sound Body,” a modern take on “anima sana in corpore sano,” a maxim whose initials form the name of the Japanese sporting goods and footwear brand.

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