


TBWAChiatDay, New York


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Skittles “Touch” (00:40) #
A new take on the King Midas tale introduces us to a protagonist whose hands
cause everything he touches to turn into
Skittles (brightly coloured chocolate
drops). An exciting prospect, of course, yet
one that is not without its more tragic
side. The involuntary impulse to reach for
the phone when it rings has some rather
unpleasant consequences, and the poor
man is not even able to cradle his newborn son in his arms. Strapline: “Touch
the Rainbow.”

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Skittles “Touch” (00:40) # A new take on the King Midas tale introduces us to a protagonist whose hands cause everything he touches to turn into Skittles (brightly coloured chocolate drops). An exciting prospect, of course, yet one that is not without its more tragic side. The involuntary impulse to reach for the phone when it rings has some rather unpleasant consequences, and the poor man is not even able to cradle his newborn son in his arms. Strapline: “Touch the Rainbow.”

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