Saatchi & Saatchi, New York
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Crest Toothpaste: “Bulldozer” [00:40]# With a smile on your face, runs the message in this new trilogy of spots from Crest, one can deliver tidings good or bad. A bulldozer driver manages to flatten a children’s playground and almost appear to be seen as a hero in the process, or a man is seen delivering the divorce papers to the woman who is as yet still his wife. Given your girlfriend a dose of the crabs? With a grin on one’s face, none of this is a problem. Only, however, if one is sporting the radiant smile Crest toothpaste alone can provide.
- Client Crest
- Ad Agency Saatchi & Saatchi, New York
- Art Director Dan Lucey
- Copywriter Nathan Frank
- Production Company Hungry Man, New York
- Director Harold Einstein
More: Saatchi & Saatchi New York
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