Amnesty International
TBWA, Paris
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Amnesty International: “Ink” [03:00]# Done in black and white, this animated spot conveys how important petitions are for Amnesty International, each individual signature collected being able to help victims of war, torture, and abuse. Many, as shown here, are often rescued from a desperate situation at the very last minute by means of a signature that was collected somewhere. In the commercial, the signature is seen turning into a parachute, a ladder, or a hole in a dungeon. Pay-off: “Your signature is more powerful than you think.”
- Client Amnesty International
- Ad Agency TBWA, Paris
- Art Director Stéphanie Thomasson
- Copywriter Stéphane Gaubert
- Production Company La Pac Maison de Production
- Director Etienne Constatinesco
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