

JCER (Jewish Council for Education and Research)

Droga5, New York


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JCER (Jewish Council for Education and Research): “The Great Schlep” [04:20]# US actress and comedian Sarah Silverman (as also known from her role in “Seinfeld”) has issued an endorsement for the Democratic bid in this year’s presidential campaign through the vehicle of this hilarious (and politically rather incorrect) spot in which she calls on young Jewish adults to get their grandparents in Florida to vote for Barack Obama by either visiting them or phoning them to engage in a little emotional blackmail. This campaign, which was initiated by Jewish Democrats (, is intended to secure the backing of Jewish voters in the state of Florida, also in order to make up for the ignominy of the 2000 election result.

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JCER (Jewish Council for Education and Research)

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JCER (Jewish Council for Education and Research): "The Great Schlep" [04:20]# US actress and comedian Sarah Silverman (as also known from her role in “Seinfeld”) has issued an endorsement for the Democratic bid in this year’s presidential campaign through the vehicle of this hilarious (and politically rather incorrect) spot in which she calls on young Jewish adults to get their grandparents in Florida to vote for Barack Obama by either visiting them or phoning them to engage in a little emotional blackmail. This campaign, which was initiated by Jewish Democrats (, is intended to secure the backing of Jewish voters in the state of Florida, also in order to make up for the ignominy of the 2000 election result.

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