

Chicken Licken

NetWork BBDO, Hyde Park, Johannesburg


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Chicken Licken: “Chilly The Real Snowman boy” [01:00]# The spot introduces us to a snowman who pops up in all of the family snaps, and is always present at family celebrations. He is simply part of the family, yet there are a few things he is unable to join them for, such as going swimming or to a petting zoo, because his carrot nose would otherwise be gobbled up. One day, however, the family took the snowman with them to eat at fast-food chain Chicken Licken, where he had to choose between mild or hot chicken. He plumped for hot, and we are subsequently shown a bowl of water in which the eyes and carrot nose are to be seen floating. Super: “Chicken Licken: soul food.” (Soul food is, of course, the term used to describe the traditional cuisine eaten by Afro-Americans in the southern states of the USA)

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Chicken Licken: "Chilly The Real Snowman boy" [01:00]# The spot introduces us to a snowman who pops up in all of the family snaps, and is always present at family celebrations. He is simply part of the family, yet there are a few things he is unable to join them for, such as going swimming or to a petting zoo, because his carrot nose would otherwise be gobbled up. One day, however, the family took the snowman with them to eat at fast-food chain Chicken Licken, where he had to choose between mild or hot chicken. He plumped for hot, and we are subsequently shown a bowl of water in which the eyes and carrot nose are to be seen floating. Super: “Chicken Licken: soul food.” (Soul food is, of course, the term used to describe the traditional cuisine eaten by Afro-Americans in the southern states of the USA)

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