


DDB, Paris


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Brandt: “Wake up Calls” [01:10]# At night, when the people of the house are off in the land of nod, furnishings and other parts of the building, such as doors and windows, begin to get a little bored. So they try to wake the family with typical sounds such as creaking floorboards, slamming doors, or the humming of the refrigerator. The only spoilsport not to join in the fun is the dishwasher, which simply stands there and is perfectly quiet. As always. Super: “Dishwasher DFH845. Less than 44dB while operating. Brandt.”

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Brandt: "Wake up Calls" [01:10]# At night, when the people of the house are off in the land of nod, furnishings and other parts of the building, such as doors and windows, begin to get a little bored. So they try to wake the family with typical sounds such as creaking floorboards, slamming doors, or the humming of the refrigerator. The only spoilsport not to join in the fun is the dishwasher, which simply stands there and is perfectly quiet. As always. Super: “Dishwasher DFH845. Less than 44dB while operating. Brandt.”

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