


AlmapBBDO, Sao Paulo


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Twix: “Crooked Face” [01:00]# A young woman is picked up by her date. He has a horrifically deformed face and a Twix in his hand. The two go shopping together, to the cinema, and later to karaoke. Once the Twix has been eaten, he rushes off to a boxing ring where all the people are standing around as if frozen to the spot. The guy climbs into the ring and positions himself right under his opponent’s face, revealing his strangely distorted face. Yet then everything starts moving again, and his face return to its normal shape. Super: “Invent a pause. Open a Twix.”

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Twix: "Crooked Face" [01:00]# A young woman is picked up by her date. He has a horrifically deformed face and a Twix in his hand. The two go shopping together, to the cinema, and later to karaoke. Once the Twix has been eaten, he rushes off to a boxing ring where all the people are standing around as if frozen to the spot. The guy climbs into the ring and positions himself right under his opponent’s face, revealing his strangely distorted face. Yet then everything starts moving again, and his face return to its normal shape. Super: “Invent a pause. Open a Twix.”

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