


Fallon, London


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Cadbury: “The Charmer” [01:00]# An awesome performance by this man manufacturing a bar of Cadbury’s chocolate. In a lab-like setting, he pours milk into one bowl and liquid chocolate into the other. The bowls spin around on revolving discs – turning ever faster and faster. Applying just a few skilled twists of his hands to the machine, he manages to get the two liquids to rise up like tornados. While he is enjoying a cup of coffee, the milk and chocolate embrace one another and combine to produce a single sphere-like form. Casually applying his hand once again, he gets this to burst, causing the chocolate to fly up in an arc, assuming precisely the shape required to produce the bar of chocolate.

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More: Cadbury

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Cadbury: "The Charmer" [01:00]# An awesome performance by this man manufacturing a bar of Cadbury’s chocolate. In a lab-like setting, he pours milk into one bowl and liquid chocolate into the other. The bowls spin around on revolving discs – turning ever faster and faster. Applying just a few skilled twists of his hands to the machine, he manages to get the two liquids to rise up like tornados. While he is enjoying a cup of coffee, the milk and chocolate embrace one another and combine to produce a single sphere-like form. Casually applying his hand once again, he gets this to burst, causing the chocolate to fly up in an arc, assuming precisely the shape required to produce the bar of chocolate.

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