

American Recordings/Lost Highway

James Spindler, Chris Milk, Aaron Koblin, Chris Milk, @Radical.Media, New York, Aaron Koblin


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This site gives fans of Johnny Cash, who died in 2003, a chance to be a part of his music video. By means of tools similar to those
in Photoshop, users can redesign every single frame in the video. These little works of art subsequently become part of a collective
whole, after being edited and assembled by the operators of the site. The more submissions there are, the more varied the video frames designed by the fans.

Daniele Fiandaca: “Another music video (from the same director). This one, though, was a unique crowd-sourced music video project
honoring the legacy of Johnny Cash with fans able to contribute a frame to the ‘Ain’t No Grave’ music video. Stunning.”

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American Recordings/Lost Highway

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This site gives fans of Johnny Cash, who died in 2003, a chance to be a part of his music video. By means of tools similar to those in Photoshop, users can redesign every single frame in the video. These little works of art subsequently become part of a collective whole, after being edited and assembled by the operators of the site. The more submissions there are, the more varied the video frames designed by the fans.

Daniele Fiandaca: “Another music video (from the same director). This one, though, was a unique crowd-sourced music video project honoring the legacy of Johnny Cash with fans able to contribute a frame to the ‘Ain’t No Grave’ music video. Stunning.”

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