


Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH), New York


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Nicolas Roope: “What these films remind us is that the web is more than just an anodyne medium – it is a place. More than that, every service and presence is a unique place with unique references and memories. Until these films, no-one would have considered Google Search to be such a pivotal part of our emotional narratives but when we saw these films they reminded us that it was,
and that the way we live our lives, and the choices we make, are more and more ‘enabled’ by these services. Advertisers are often guilty of treating the web like it’s TV, and of not being sympathetic to the context in which they’re operating, resulting in concepts and expressions that feel very jarring and foreign.”

More: Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH) New York

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Nicolas Roope: “What these films remind us is that the web is more than just an anodyne medium – it is a place. More than that, every service and presence is a unique place with unique references and memories. Until these films, no-one would have considered Google Search to be such a pivotal part of our emotional narratives but when we saw these films they reminded us that it was, and that the way we live our lives, and the choices we make, are more and more ‘enabled’ by these services. Advertisers are often guilty of treating the web like it’s TV, and of not being sympathetic to the context in which they’re operating, resulting in concepts and expressions that feel very jarring and foreign.”

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