


Sugru in-house, London


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Nicolas Roope: “When the Sugru founder spoke to the likes of Bostik about taking on this wonderful new, useful compound, it was
clear that this would lead to selling a beige substance in utilitarian tubes in hardware stores. It wasn’t the vision for artist founder Jane. Instead, she created something brightly colored, to celebrate the inspiration every first-time user encountered when they fixed their first cooker or adapter, their first climbing boot, with this incredible product. The problem was Sugru had busted out of a category – and thus the story, distribution and strategy had to be written from scratch. The answer was to initiate
and stoke a groundswell of support and enthusiasm for the product, and to use the natural and conspicuous advocacy (you can see it a mile off if someone has fixed something with Sugru) to build a loyal, ever-growing
customer community. Sugru doesn’t need to invent a story because the story is created by its users, and they’ve been expert in sharing and enthusing about these examples.”

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Nicolas Roope: “When the Sugru founder spoke to the likes of Bostik about taking on this wonderful new, useful compound, it was clear that this would lead to selling a beige substance in utilitarian tubes in hardware stores. It wasn’t the vision for artist founder Jane. Instead, she created something brightly colored, to celebrate the inspiration every first-time user encountered when they fixed their first cooker or adapter, their first climbing boot, with this incredible product. The problem was Sugru had busted out of a category – and thus the story, distribution and strategy had to be written from scratch. The answer was to initiate and stoke a groundswell of support and enthusiasm for the product, and to use the natural and conspicuous advocacy (you can see it a mile off if someone has fixed something with Sugru) to build a loyal, ever-growing customer community. Sugru doesn’t need to invent a story because the story is created by its users, and they’ve been expert in sharing and enthusing about these examples.”

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