Unforgettable Songs
Isobar, Sao Paulo
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The real-life stories of Alzheimer patients are transformed into songs
to make it easier for them to remember earlier events in their lives.
Musical memory, recent research would suggest, is one of the last
areas to be affected by Alzheimer’s.
Eduardo Marques: “What a beautiful and brilliant insight! It’s not every
day that we go deep on research or science to come up with an idea.
This service should be spread all over the world.”
- Client UnforgettableSongs.org
- Ad Agency Isobar, Sao Paulo
- Creative Director Dogura Kozonoe, Eduardo Battiston, Ricardo Diniz
- Art Director Maicon Pinheiro
- Copywriter Alexandre Freire
- Production Company Bossa Nova, Sao Paulo
- Director Georgia Guerra Peixe, Fábio Meirelles
More: Isobar Sao Paulo
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