J-B Weld
TBWA\Chiat\Day, New York
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J-B Weld “Chair”#
This campaign features funnyman Nick Offerman, who doesn’t really have to say anything to make his point. In this series of spots, Offerman condemns the throwaway mentality of his neighbors by mending the broken furniture they have tossed out, and – just to rub it in – using it himself in front of their very eyes. (The fact that 90 percent of the “wasteful” people are minorities only becomes apparent upon watching the entire campaign and was, according to the agency, wholly unintentional …)
- Client J-B Weld
- Ad Agency TBWA\Chiat\Day, New York
- Creative Director Ian Reichenthal, Guillermo Vega, Chris Beresford-Hill
- Art Director Guillermo Vega
- Copywriter Ian Reichenthal
- Production Company Biscuit Filmworks
- Director Aaron Stoller
More: TBWAChiatDay, New York
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