BBA Ecuador, Quito
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In Ecuador, the “9-12′” campaign by the independent agency BBA Ecuador exposed the issue of over one million emergency calls to 911 going unanswered in time over the past year, with an average response time of 12 minutes, double the time recommended by the WHO. Using real audio from calls that were not answered in time and representative images, the campaign captured public attention and sparked visible protests on radio and in public spaces. This ingenious campaign demonstrates the power of advertising to address critical social issues and mobilize society to demand urgent improvements.
- Client Diálogo Diverso
- Ad Agency BBA Ecuador, Quito
- Creative Director Bryan Recalde
- Art Director Juan Francisco Torres
- Copywriter Ana Cristina Andrade, Carlos Rivas
- Digital Artist Carlos Rivas, Juan Francisco Torres
- General Account Director Francisca Frisch