A/R Jordan
R/GA, New York
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With the help of Darkstore and Shopify, an AR experience was created via Snapchat to mark the 30th anniversary of the Jordan brand. It was said to be the first time ever that a pair of sneakers had been sold directly (in this case via Snapchat) and delivered in under two hours (after selling out in just 23 minutes). Users saw the Nike shoe on Michael Jordan’s feet and could order it direct on their phone – as simple as that.
Rafael Segri & Kiko Mattoso: “Recreating Michael Jordan’s iconic dunk in 3D and making it an AR experience in a real basketball court is very cool. But the cooler part of this idea is the fact that they’ve launched the new Air Jordan at the same time – so in fact people could interact and buy the exact same sneakers they saw on Jordan and post it on Snapchat. It’s an awesome mix of ecommerce, entertainment and social in one idea.”
- Client Nike
- Ad Agency R/GA, New York
More: R/GA New York
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