

Ad Council

West Wayne, Atlanta


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Ad Council “Trash” 0030# Some viewers might experience a slight feeling of déjà vu in this spot. Whenever a problem arises, everybody excitedly discusses how such a thing could ever happen. But not a lot is done about it. The problem in this case is a tangle of papers that’s been discarded in the street to the annoyance of passers-by. It’s all very well being opposed to environmental pollution. But endless discussions won’t help either.

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Ad Council "Trash" 0030# Some viewers might experience a slight feeling of déjà vu in this spot. Whenever a problem arises, everybody excitedly discusses how such a thing could ever happen. But not a lot is done about it. The problem in this case is a tangle of papers that's been discarded in the street to the annoyance of passers-by. It's all very well being opposed to environmental pollution. But endless discussions won't help either.

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