

Agfa NDT Pantak Seifert GmbH & Co.KG, Ahrensburg

Meire & Meire, Cologne


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Agfa Audiocasettes “Ready-Made Orchestra” [00:30]#
A commercial for Afga audiocassettes that is somewhat reminiscent of early experimental films such as the famous “Ballet Mechanique”. An orchestra is playing a piece of minimal music and appears to be directed by some clockwork mechanism. Parts of the individual instruments are shown in extreme close-up, juxtaposed with images of cogwheels, chains, etc. An oscillation turquoise line provide the only color in this black and – above all – white spot. By means of superimposition, the visual connection between the precision of the orchestra and the precision and hi-fidelity of Agfa audiocassettes is established.

More: Meire & Meire Cologne

More: Agfa NDT Pantak Seifert GmbH & Co.KG Ahrensburg

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Agfa NDT Pantak Seifert GmbH & Co.KG, Ahrensburg

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Agfa Audiocasettes "Ready-Made Orchestra" [00:30]# A commercial for Afga audiocassettes that is somewhat reminiscent of early experimental films such as the famous "Ballet Mechanique". An orchestra is playing a piece of minimal music and appears to be directed by some clockwork mechanism. Parts of the individual instruments are shown in extreme close-up, juxtaposed with images of cogwheels, chains, etc. An oscillation turquoise line provide the only color in this black and - above all - white spot. By means of superimposition, the visual connection between the precision of the orchestra and the precision and hi-fidelity of Agfa audiocassettes is established.

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