Air Action Vigorsol
Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH), London
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Air Action Vigorsol “The Legend” (00:40) #
Air Action Vigorsol gum in a commercial
featuring fairy-tale-style animation: we
hear the legend of the heroic skunk which,
like all animals trapped in a forest fire,
fears for its life. Only a miracle can help –
such as, for example, a “Fresh Air Explosion.” The little skunk grabs itself a pack
of the ice-fresh gum and, after barely a
single chew, the wood morphs, to the dull
sound of an icy fart, into a snow-blanketed winter wonderland in which a forest
fire would not have a chance in hell.
- Client Air Action Vigorsol
- Ad Agency Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH), London
- Art Director Verity Fenner
- Copywriter Claudia Southgate
- Production Company Stink
More: Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH) London
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