

Aker Asa

Grey Worldwide, Oslo


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This amazing all-singing, all-dancing spot from Norway is an extravaganza for a client you wouldn’t normally associate with the terpsichorean muse: Aker is a shipbuilder and they and their staff are presented here as problem-solvers – “nutcrackers.” The musical number involves two time levels – the present, in which a group of Aker’s employees in an office are struggling to solve a problem, and the past, filmed in black and white (and looking amazingly authentic – think Stalinist musical), in which workers in a factory are seen solving a similar problem. The foreman then crosses timelines to present his descendants with the solution.

More: Grey Worldwide Oslo

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Aker Asa

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This amazing all-singing, all-dancing spot from Norway is an extravaganza for a client you wouldn’t normally associate with the terpsichorean muse: Aker is a shipbuilder and they and their staff are presented here as problem-solvers – “nutcrackers.” The musical number involves two time levels – the present, in which a group of Aker’s employees in an office are struggling to solve a problem, and the past, filmed in black and white (and looking amazingly authentic – think Stalinist musical), in which workers in a factory are seen solving a similar problem. The foreman then crosses timelines to present his descendants with the solution.

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