

AOC Twitch stream


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AOC shows on Twitch how politics can be done at eye level. US politician Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez live-tweeted herself playing online game “Among Us” and achieved something that no one has done before her. During the stream, more than 400,000 people watched live. Over four million more joined in to watch the recording after. Along the way, AOC repeatedly placed her message – the actual reason why she had started this stream: “Get out and vote”.

Tiffany Rolfe: “Politicians have increasingly been trying to use social platforms and tech to to get out their message. And AOC is a master of understanding social platforms to build and inspire her supporters… brands can learn a lot. She first promoted she’d be playing on Twitter and after her stream began, she quickly became one of the platform’s biggest broadcasters. Turns out she is a pretty good gamer as well.”

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AOC Twitch stream

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AOC shows on Twitch how politics can be done at eye level. US politician Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez live-tweeted herself playing online game “Among Us” and achieved something that no one has done before her. During the stream, more than 400,000 people watched live. Over four million more joined in to watch the recording after. Along the way, AOC repeatedly placed her message – the actual reason why she had started this stream: “Get out and vote”.

Tiffany Rolfe: “Politicians have increasingly been trying to use social platforms and tech to to get out their message. And AOC is a master of understanding social platforms to build and inspire her supporters… brands can learn a lot. She first promoted she’d be playing on Twitter and after her stream began, she quickly became one of the platform’s biggest broadcasters. Turns out she is a pretty good gamer as well.”

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