

Arla Foods

Bates / Young & Rubicam (Y&R), Copenhagen


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Arla Foods “The Architect” (00:50) + “The Record Producer” [00:45]
Hunger, it is said, has led to some of the biggest mistakes in history. The blueprints for the ugliest building in Denmark may, for example, have been approved just because the city commissioner was in a hunger-induced state of haze and haste. Or maybe a music producer missed his chance to sign up the most successful rock group of all time because he was in a rush to settle his rumbling stomach. “‘The Beatles’ – what a stupid name!”

More: Bates / Young & Rubicam (Y&R) Copenhagen

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Arla Foods "The Architect" (00:50) + "The Record Producer" [00:45] Hunger, it is said, has led to some of the biggest mistakes in history. The blueprints for the ugliest building in Denmark may, for example, have been approved just because the city commissioner was in a hunger-induced state of haze and haste. Or maybe a music producer missed his chance to sign up the most successful rock group of all time because he was in a rush to settle his rumbling stomach. "'The Beatles' - what a stupid name!"

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