Atlantic Telecom, Abidjan Plateau
McCann Erickson, Paris
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Atlantic Telecom “Little People” (00:30) #
How close people can get to each other
when linked by a mobile phone is shown
in this spot for Atlantic Telecom. Instead
of the actual phones, the ringing here is
done by miniature versions of the callers,
who are pressed to one’s ear when one
wishes to speak to them. The husband of
a woman who seems to be having problems with her car is, for example, sitting
inside the hood of the vehicle to give her
instructions. Pay-off: “Keep in touch.”
- Client Atlantic Telecom, Abidjan Plateau
- Ad Agency McCann Erickson, Paris
- Art Director Anthony Fradet , Christophe Rambaux
- Copywriter Eric Jannon
- Production Company Paranoid Projects: Tool, Paris
- Director Thierry Poiraud