

Audi A3

Jung von Matt, Hamburg


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Audi A3 “Chair” [00:25] + “Test” [00:45]# Two spots from the campaign for the new Audi A3. The first is a teaser and features an eccentrically garbed woman traipsing around a decidedly weird-looking “designer” chair that looks fit for anything except for sitting on. When she does attempt to settle down in it, the results are predictable disasterous. FVO: “Some people buy things they don’t need to impress people they don’t like. The new extravagance is different.” Cut to Audi logo and the date the new Audi model will be available. The current commercial features a slightly futuristic test situation. The test person, a pretty young woman, is shown images of a middle aged man seen decked out with increasingly affluent attributes. A scientist ask the woman if she finds the man attractive. She doesn’t. When, however, the man is shown sitting in a new Audi A3, her pulse quickens and her graphically transcribed reactions signal excitement – not for the man, who leaves her as cold as before, but for the car, which she asks to be shown once more.

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Audi A3 "Chair" [00:25] + "Test" [00:45]# Two spots from the campaign for the new Audi A3. The first is a teaser and features an eccentrically garbed woman traipsing around a decidedly weird-looking "designer" chair that looks fit for anything except for sitting on. When she does attempt to settle down in it, the results are predictable disasterous. FVO: "Some people buy things they don't need to impress people they don't like. The new extravagance is different." Cut to Audi logo and the date the new Audi model will be available. The current commercial features a slightly futuristic test situation. The test person, a pretty young woman, is shown images of a middle aged man seen decked out with increasingly affluent attributes. A scientist ask the woman if she finds the man attractive. She doesn't. When, however, the man is shown sitting in a new Audi A3, her pulse quickens and her graphically transcribed reactions signal excitement - not for the man, who leaves her as cold as before, but for the car, which she asks to be shown once more.

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