

Audi A4

Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH), London


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“Test Drive” [00:45]# This TV commercial features quick cut shots
of an odious 80s style City –type driving an Audi around London. Intercut with the “yuppie´s” brash, materialistic lifestyle, the viewer is drawn into doubts as to wether this really might be the kind of driver Audi would like to be associated with. As the driver pulls up outside an Audi showroom, he is met by thealesman who inquires how the test drive went. “No, not my style,” the 80s type replies and tosses the keys back. The salesman doesn´t reply but knows exactly what the driver means.

More: Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH) London

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Audi A4

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"Test Drive" [00:45]# This TV commercial features quick cut shots of an odious 80s style City –type driving an Audi around London. Intercut with the “yuppie´s” brash, materialistic lifestyle, the viewer is drawn into doubts as to wether this really might be the kind of driver Audi would like to be associated with. As the driver pulls up outside an Audi showroom, he is met by thealesman who inquires how the test drive went. “No, not my style,” the 80s type replies and tosses the keys back. The salesman doesn´t reply but knows exactly what the driver means.

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